Robotics in Healthcare

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Robotics in Healthcare

Stop worrying about robots taking jobs, and start thinking about which robot you need to hire.  Some areas of healthcare face enormous skills shortages in the future as the demands on our healthcare system climb and the proportion of elderly double by 2050. There are currently 40 million seniors in the USA and an additional 15 million people of younger ages requiring caregiver assistance. Our panel of robotics professionals produce a range of robotic solutions in the health tech and caregiving fields. Their robots may be just what ‘the doctor ordered’ but more importantly, they’d like to know what robots you will need next. We invite the audience to submit ‘requests for a robot’ or tell us what critical tasks you see needing to be done or that may arise in the future. Because, we might just have a robot for that. Panelists Andra Keay (moderator), Nathan Harding, Rush LaSelle, Cory Kidd, Stefan Nusser.




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